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re: glowboy's hot waste crud
Maybe Wes is speaking in this kind of lingo.....or perhaps MAC-TALK, or perhaps he is on
another planut.
Begin forwarded message:
Date: Wed, 11 May 94 15:48:22 -0500
Errors-To: mandel@romulus.ehs.uiuc.edu
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From: "lorna bullerwell" <ljb1@postoffice.mail.cornell.edu>
To: Multiple recipients of list <radsafe@romulus.ehs.uiuc.edu>
Subject: Re: "Hot" Medical Waste in CA
X-Listserver-Version: 6.0 -- UNIX ListServer by Anastasios Kotsikonas
X-Comment: Radiation Safety Distribution List
In Message Wed, 11 May 94 09:15:27 -0500, glowboy@robot.nuceng.ufl.edu writes:
>Is it just me or is every paragraph that Wes Dunn posted chopped off?
>It looks like the idea just gets truncated about the time the
>punchline is about to roll around...
>Is it a translation problem from FidoNet, Wes?
I, too, have problems reading responses from Wes Dunn. Each paragraph
seems to be one line which gets cut off before the main point can be
reached. It's rather irritating. If something could be done about it, I
would appreciate it.
Lorna Bullerwell, Radiological Safety Specialist ljb1@cornell.edu
Cornell University
Department of Environmental Health & Safety Laboratory Safety Section
118 Maple Avenue, Ithaca, NY 14850
Phone: (607) 255-8816 Fax: (607) 255-8267
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