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Re:Troxler Moisture Density Guage
>Have any of you had experience with the latest Moisture density guages
>that Troxler makes? esp Model #3440?
Several people use Troxler gauges, and CPN (Campbell Pacific Nuclear)
gauges, at Ohio State. Programmed Maintenance uses a "Roofreader," the
other users are civil eng., agricultural eng., and agronomy.
>Have you attended the training course they give for RSO's?
I attended their usual training, the session we require all gauge users to
take. Do you mean this one or the newer one that focuses on transport regs?
>1)Is is required by NRC or agreement state?
NRC accepts it as training. We require them to take it *and* the Radiation
Safety Short Course (3 hr) that we give, that all users must take every 5 years.
>2)Is it worth attending? It costs $375 for a day.
The morning session was radiation basics. If you don't know what a neutron
is, or that the source keeps putting them out even when the instrument is
turned off, it might help. The afternoon session was some details about how
to use and maintain the more popular Troxler gauges. That was useful to me,
as I have to leak test them, and knowing where the source(s) are supposed to
be is of some help.
Albert Lee Vest avest@magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu
health physicist Office of Radiation Safety
(614)292-0122 The Ohio State University
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