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New Uploads

Now available on romulus.ehs.uiuc.edu RADSAFE FTP site.

hanford.txt  Hanford Environmental Dose Reconstruction
             Report by B.A. Napier, June 1994 HPS Newsletter

hanford.gif  GIF file showing cummulative median dose to
             thyroids of children in vicinity of the Hanford
             site in the late 1940's.  Part of hanford.txt.

These can be found in the pub/radiation/files/misc directory.
These documents will appear in the June Newsletter.  The report
is surprising in that it suggests cummulative doses from all
air exposure pathways *off-site* as high as 235 rad.  (Yes, I
did say RAD.)

Hector Mandel, CHP


      Hector Mandel, Manager of Systems Services  | (217) 244-7237
      CCSO - Computing                            | h-mandel@uiuc.edu
      University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign  |  pager 53171