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Re: On the Soapbox - A call to arms

On Thu, 7 Jul 1994 JMUCKERHEIDE@delphi.com wrote:

> Pat,
> Kudos on your Section HPS actions on cask storage! 
> Did you share any of your materials with others outside the issue? thru
> radsafe? HPS Newsletter? other? (what?) 

I don't personnally(?) have the material but I will see what i can get....
I do know that Bro. Jerome Rademacker, President of NCCHPS Did have a
letter to the editor, which was published in a Minneapolis newspaper,
reproduced in the May 94 HPS Newsletter. 

Pat Beyer
Radiation Safety Specialist
Medical College of Wisconsin

As always these are just my personnal ranting, so don't sue my employer....