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Re: On the Soapbox - A call to arms
For those of you wanting to get "involved," have you heard about The
Advancement of Sound Science Coalition (TASSC)? It is a "not-for-profit
coalition advocating the use of sound science in pubic policy decision making"
whose members believe that "science that is used to guide public policy
decisions should be based on sound principles -- not on emotions or beliefs
considered by some as politically acceptable." (text quoted from a TASSC press
release) The coalition is chaired by Garrey Carruthers, former Governor of New
Mexico. If you are interested, they have an 800-number: 800-369-6608.
I'm not one of their paid stooges, just someone who thought it sounded like a
worthy cause and sent for more information. I guess you can read that as a
Jim Herrold, U of W