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$1000 per person-Rem

Forwarded-from: MIKEG

1.  The US NRC has used this number in ALARA planning (it is NOT a fine!).

2.  The underlying concepts were in part borrowed from guidance such as
ICRP Publication 55, "Optimization and Decision-Making in Radiological

3.  Of course, the NRC has a great many other references available regarding
this concept.  Those of us at facilities regulated by the US DOE also have
to deal with ALARA design considerations, although the specific dollar
amount per unit collective dose approach has been replaced by a rigid
maximum design dose per annum.  This latter approach is very conservative,
and much more costly.

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Subject: $1000 per person-Rem
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Does anyone know where the ALARA guideline of $1000 per person-Rem
comes from?  Is it in writing somewhere?  Is it apocryphal?  We
know it is ignored. 8-)