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In message Wed, 10 Aug 1994 18:44:00 -0400, FRAMEP@ORAU.GOV writes:
> Lorna:
> Sorry to bother you, but you might want to send out a slight
> correction to your last post. If I'm not mistaken the
> retention functions for stable iodine and I-131 can be
> found on pages B-583 and 587 respectively of the Nureg.
> Again, sorry for the hassle
> regards
> Paul Frame
Sorry. You are right. I don't use the book that often and turned to the
wrong section. Thanks for correcting me.
Lorna Bullerwell, Radiological Safety Specialist
Cornell University
Department of Environmental Health & Safety E-mail: ljb1@cornell.edu
2Laboratory Safety Section Phone: (607) 255-8816
118 Maple Avenue, Ithaca, NY 14850 Fax: (607) 255-8267
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