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Re: CT doses
> Does anyone have any resource material or information on fetal doses
> from CT scan? Even some ballpark estimates would be appreciated or some
> general directions.
The fetal dose depends on the exam, the machine, the number of slices, the
slice width and the interslice interval. Few sources give fetal doses, so
you will have to settle for ovarian doses
Best general source that I know of is Nishiwaza et al (Br J Radio 64:20,
1991). They show ovarian doses of:
0.002-0.003 mGy (0.2-0.3 mrad) for head CT
0.05-0.44 mGy (5-44 mrad) for a chest CT
0.4-1.0 mGy (40-100 mrad) for an upper abdominal CT
8-27 mGy (800-2700 mrad) for a lower abdominal CT
John Moulder (jmoulder@its.mcw.edu)
Radiation Biology Group
Medical College of Wisconsin