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Re: That pesky plutonium.

>Hypothetically, let us presume that a series of alpha detector calibration
>standards were uncovered, consisting of several (less than 12) metal foils
>doped somehow with plutonium-239.  The total activity of these foils is
>less than 2 microcuries.  The facility at which the foils were discovered
>has no further use for them.
>In the interest of cost-saving, as well as resource conservation, one
>wonders what the potential _legal_ market for these foils might be.

The potential _legal_ market for these items is spelled out in 10 CFR 70.19, 
a beacon of relative sanity among the restrictive regulations we've come to 
know and love.  Best of luck, and don't forget the documentation!
Albert Lee Vest    avest@magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu
health physicist        Office of Radiation Safety
(614)292-0122            The Ohio State University
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