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Re: Health Physics Degree Pr
RE>Health Physics Degree Programs 10/21/94
Concerning Degree Programs, you best bet might be to contact ORISE (Oak Ridge
Institute for Science and Education. You could start with Rosetta Cox at (615)
576-9279. She works in the group which administers DOE fellowships and she
would have at least a list of which schools are approved.
-Rob Forrest
Date: 10/21/94 1:02 PM
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From: "Jim F. Herrold" <HERROLD@uwyo.edu>
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Subject: Health Physics Degree Programs
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Hello to all RADSAFErs, in particular those involved in Health Physics
Education. Back in July 1992 the Health Physics Newsletter published a list of
institutions offering Health Physics degree programs. What I want to know is:
1) Is this the newest such list available, and, if not,
2) How can I get ahold of the newest list, and
3) Is it available via internet?
I am particularly interested in those institutions offering part or all of
their curricula via remote delivery (i.e. video or live remote).
I would appreciate any ideas.
Jim Herrold
University of Wyoming