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Dear Radsafe-Folk,

Glad to be on the network. I have been compiling a chronology of radiation and 
protection for the last few years. While I am no Newell Stannard, there are 
some entries you might find of interest. Likewise, I could use your input. I 
will email it to anyone who can receive an attached file (it is over 70 
pages). It is in Word 6 format but I can export it as an ASCII text if 
requested. Here+s the deal: the compilation is *free* for your use; however, 
you incur the debt of sending me back an addition, correction, or 
amplification on the text. That+s right, I want this to live and to grow. Give 
me dates, events and (hopefully) sources. 

I am already aware that many of the entries can be seen in a negative light. 
They contain our learning experiences, our accidents, our deliberate 
experiments. I also know that some of the entries are extremely slanted. My 
sources almost always have a bias. Add your own biases, correct mine.

In service to Science,

J. Ellsworth Weaver	Rad. Pro Instructor
	Diablo Canyon Power Plant
119/2/247		PO Box 56
Avila Beach, California, USA 93424
Phone: (805) 545-3029	Fax (805) 545-3545
email: JEW1@PGE.COM or DrNucleus@AOL.COM
	Public key available on request

<Mandatory disclaimer: This correspondence in no way reflects anything of 
Pacific Gas & Electric>