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re:1995 HPS PEP's
Greetings Radsafers,
I am new to this e-mail distribution, but I have thoroughly enjoyed the
information/discussions occurring in the past week. Sure wish there was a
digest option though.
But on to my question/request
I am on the Continuing Education Committee of the Health Physics Society and
it is my job this year to organize the professional enrichment program (PEP)
classes for the 1995 joint HPS/AAPM meeting in Boston. I'm in the process now
of filling in a lot of blank spaces on my class matrix and I would appreciate
any suggestions for speakers and/or topics.
Also if you have attended PEPS, given PEPs, given up on PEPs, loved PEPs, etc.
I would like to hear any comments, suggestions, criticisms, etc. to help us in
our "continuous improvement" process.
Thanks in advance :)
Linda Sewell
Pacific Gas and Electric
Diablo Canyon Power Plant
(805) 545-4315
(805) 545-3459 (fax)