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Dosimetry Cost
I am trying to develop a realistic comparison between cost for offsite
vendor provided dosimetry service versus cost for continuing our
onsite TLD dosimetry program.
If you are using vendor provided dosimeters, can you provide your
total cost per badge (vendor cost plus onsite administrative and other
costs)? It would also be nice to have information on what kind of
facility you are at, how many badges you issue per monitoring period
(month/quarter), the type of dosimeters you use, and any special
services or requirements and their costs.
If you have your own onsite dosimetry laboratoy, I would also be
interested in your cost analysis.
Please reply either via RADSAFE or send private message to me directly
and please provide your email address and/or phone number.
Thank you.
Tosh Ushino
Phone: (714) 368-9523