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Power lines and oxygen?


Brilliant, brilliant, I get it: normal oxygen respiration of body cells are
 replaced by anaerobic cells because...because "lines might repel oxygen"(??)
Wow! think of the possibilities- no more hosing down buildings that are on
fire just bring the emergency power truck to loop lines of current carrying
wire around the building to displace all the oxygen - no more fire. Brilliant.
The dairy farmers can work for the media and report where the power truck
 went to displace (or destroy) those big bad oxygen consuming fires.
Somebody should study this.  While they are at it they should check out those
internal combustion things with wheels that run all over consuming oxygen.

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not represent BC Systems Corp.
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Unfortunately, I do not know much about this subject, but I have heard a few
things recently that I find interesting and wonder if any work has been done in
this area.

Otto Warburg (1931 Nobel Prize winner for discovering the cause of cancer)
states that "Cancer has only one prime cause.  The prime cause of cancer is the
replacement of normal oxygen respiration of body cells by an anaerobic cell
respiration."  Therefore, as I have heard around lately, oxugen displacement
and or destruction is the key to the cancers, regardless of the form they take.

The neutral lines (return currents) between substations and high voltage
powerlines are generally run through the earth (at least here in Maryland).
Has anyone looked at the possibility that the oftentimes unbalanced neutral
lines might repel osygen and/or create free radicals in their vicinities?  I
have neighbors who are dairy farmers and say that they can predict which sub-
stations go out, which direction the power is flowing, etc. on any given day
by their milk production and cow behaviour.  They suppose, but have no way to
test, that their milk oxygen (I finally spelled it right) content is down on
days they know of irratic power.

So, I guess I have two question:
1)  Have studies been done on oxygen behaviour around power lines?
2)  How can my neighbor test his milk for oxygen content without going through
expensive labs?

Jileen Shobe

Please note that all comments contained herein are those of the author and do
not represent the views of the NIST.