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Offsite Release Calculations
Good morning, radsafers.
How do you calculate the off site "uCi/ml" release in this hypothetical
situation? Hypothetically, let's say you start a fire outdoors, (a
_really hot_ fire) and toss in a piece of depleted uranium, let nature
take its course, then put out the fire. You collect the remains of the
DU, and calculate how many uCi got away. How do you come up with the
"ml" figure in this uncontrolled situation? There is no stack to measure
flow rates. Air sampling?
Additionally, I need information concerning the chemistry/physics of the
DU in the fire. Any written references would be helpful. As always,
please email me directly. Thanks in advance.
Donald P. Mercado, O/47-20, B/106 PROFS Nickname: DMERCADO
Radiation Safety Officer Internet: Don@LMSC.Lockheed.com
Lockheed Missiles & Space Co., Inc. Tel. (408) 742-0759
Sunnyvale, Ca 94089 Fax. (408) 742-0611