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Re: 95 Neshaps
RE>95 Neshaps 2/6/95
The NMSS Licensee Newsletter from Sept/Oct 1994 p.7 addresses the status of the
Neshaps battle between the NRC and EPA. As of the date of that publication,
nothing has changed. NESHAPS reporting to the EPA is still required. No
mention of new requirements are made. The contact person is Phyllis Sobel,
NMSS, (301) 415-6714.
Rob Forrest
Date: 2/6/95 12:17 PM
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From: "Patrick D. Beyer" <pbeyer@post.its.mcw.edu>
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Subject: 95 Neshaps
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I have been requested to ask the following:
Is the requirement for NESHAP reporting still inforce?
If Yes : Does anyone know if they are planning to repeal it?
Are there any reporting changes (style or format)?
Has any body reported any problems from the EPA with thier 94 submissions?
Pat Beyer
Medical College of Wisconsin