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DOE Human Rad Experiments
- To: radsafe@romulus.ehs.uiuc.edu
- Subject: DOE Human Rad Experiments
- From: Sam Painter <sam.painter@srs.gov>
- Date: Fri, 17 Feb 1995 17:05:00 -0400 (EDT)
- A1-Type: MAIL
- Alternate-Recipient: prohibited
- Disclose-Recipients: prohibited
- Hop-Count: 2
- Importance: normal
- Posting-Date: Fri, 17 Feb 1995 17:32:00 -0400 (EDT)
- Priority: normal
>Date: Thu, 16 Feb 95 16:41:03 CST
>From: "Dale E. Boyce" <dale@radpro.uchicago.edu>
>DOE has released advance copies of their report "Human Radiation
>Experiments: The Department of Energy Roadmap to the Story and
>the Records".
>Date: 17 Feb 95 10:18 EST
>From: VERNIG.PETER@forum.va.gov
>Rocky Mountain News of yesterday [2/16] had the front page headline
>and story on pages 4 and 6 about organs and tissues used by Los Alamos
>for Pu expermentation. The story though very negative in tone actually
>has few revalations. NOKs signed generalized consents but the article
>makes much of the fact that they probably didn't know the nature or the
>research or that it was government research. Also ex-workers of Rocky
>Flats were checked for residual Pu when they died. Results neagtive.
There is a database on-line on the net which gives funding and descriptions
of the Human Radiation Experiments. I think it is called OPENNET (or
something like that). Start at http://www.doe.gov/ and surf your way
I read a couple of the proposals and found them to be pretty harmless
compared to the headline stories we've all read (mentally retarded students
fed radioactive material for breakfast). I'm sure there were some
questionable practices done like confusing consent forms or using subjects
who were not fully informed, however, the media is trying to make ALL
experiments involving humans AND radionuclides (even tracers?) appear to be
evil plots by a totalitarian government. I suggest reading as much factual
material rather than the subjective, distorted views of the journalists.
The organ and tissues referred to by Pete looks much like one I read after
searching for the word "plutonium". If I sign an organ donor card, do I
care that the researcher wants my dead body to measure radionuclide levels?
As a plutonium worker myself, I am glad that there is some supporting data
and chelating agents available in the event of an uptake.
_/_/_/ _/ _/_/ _/_/_/ Sam Painter
_/ _/_/ _/ _/ Nuclear Criticality Safety
_/_/_/ _/ _/_/_/ Westinghouse Savannah River Co
_/ _/ _/ Bldg 704-59F Aiken, SC 29802
_/_/_/ _/ _/_/_/ (803) 952-3934 sam.painter@srs.gov
_/esus - Wise men STILL seek Him.