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Re: Simulation of Radioactive Contamination

> >I am working on an emergency exercise involving radioactive material.  
> >Is there a method to simulate radiaoctive contamination?
> >
> >Thanks
> >
> >Kevin Roberts
> We have used a powder that is only visible under a black light - very 
> effective since contamination is not "visible."

In a simulations we ran, we used to use anthracene (spelling?) which was
fluorescent under U.V. light. It was a very fine powder which spread easily. 
The Health & Safety people didn't like us using this, however, as it is a 
carcinogen apparently.

We came up with a simple alternative - soap flakes. Cheaper brands seemed to
be more fluorescent and when ground finely, a small amount managed to 
contaminate everything that came into contact with it. This included
ambulance crew, ambulance, A&E staff, R/P staff and the decon suite. When the 
lights were turnes off, areas of contamination showed up superbly.


Ian Macmillan.		| There are three sides to every story;
E-mail address:		| yours, mine and the truth.