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Digest and other options


That's great, now for us computer illiterate and unhealthily curious what does
it mean? ie set <list> Y<option> <argYs">"

I assume for set you type set
and for <list> you type??? radsafe?
and for Y you type ???
and for <option> ... etc.  Could you or anyone out there please give
and example. These all look like physics questions which make a lot more sense
when provided with an example all worked out.

Radiation Protection, Ministry of Health, British Columbia
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Since I've gotten a couple of queries directly about the digest option,
I decided to query listserv HELP SET and post the response:

Syntax: set <list> [<option> <arg[s]>]
        Without the optional arguments, get a list of all current
        settings for the specified list. Otherwise change the option to
        the new value for that list, as follows:

        option can be: mail, password, address, conceal
        arg for mail can be: ack, noack, postpone, digest
        args for password have to be: current-password new-password
        args for address have to be: current-password new-address
        args for conceal can be: yes, no

        'set <list>': get the current option settings for the list
        'set <list> mail ack': your message is sent back to you
        'set <list> mail noack': your message is not sent back to you
        'set <list> mail postpone': no messages will be sent to you
                until you change mode again
        'set <list> mail digest': your message is not sent back to you.
                New messages are not sent to you as they arrive, but are
                accumulated into digests that are periodically sent to
        'set <list> password <current-password> <new-password>': change
                your password for live access to the system (i.e. for
                subscriber access privileges when telneting to the
        'set <list> address <current-password> <new-address>: change the
                address you are subscribed with; may not be available on
                all lists.
        'set <list> conceal yes': remove yourself from 'recipients' and
                'statistics' listings.
        'set <list> conceal no': opposite of previous mode.

Jay Benesch