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Re: Digest and other options

> That's great, now for us computer illiterate and unhealthily curious what does
> it mean? ie set <list> Y<option> <argYs">"

Just as a quick example, to set the digest option, send the following
message to listserv@romulus.ehs.uiuc.edu:

set RADSAFE mail digest

RADSAFE is the <list>, mail is the <option>, and digest is an <arg>

The instructions really *are* pretty confusing, aren't they?  BTW, I'd just 
as soon have people send me a request for any action that requires a password,
though, as that opens up a neat can of worms.

Melissa Woo                       | University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Health Physicist                  | Environmental Health & Safety Bldg., MC225
office phone:      | 101 S. Gregory St., Urbana, IL  61801
m-woo@uiuc.edu                    | http://www.cso.uiuc.edu/ph/www/m-woo