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Re: CHAMMP Software
This is an excellent product. It should handle ALL your Health Physics
database needs in both a single user or multi-user network environment. It
can be integrated into your dailly Health Physics operations to provide
realtime information. It covers all aspects of personal monitoring and
radioactivity accountability and control. Includes: dosimetry issue,
collection, recording and report generation for internal and external
monitoring; Order, receipt, use and disposal for radioactive material, from
user authorizations to waste reports; plus much more. It can easily handle
records for thousands of people and thousands of sources.
This is the product I would recommend for our HP program, if we did not
already have an integrated database system, developed inhouse.
>Radsafe subscribers;
>We are considering purchasing the CHAMMP software system. Anyone out there
>have any comments regarding the pros and cons of this software?Thanks
>for your help.
>Rolin Geronsin
>University of Colorado
>Health Physics
William R. Webber, Health Physicist ( Warp Factor OS/2)
The opions expressed above are those of the author alone and do not
represent those of the National Institute of Standards and Technology nor
the US Department of Commerce.