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REPLY to Re DOT Regs
{Original Msg: 'Re: DOT Regulations' from <root@romulus.ehs.uiuc.edu>
{> >It seems to me that 49CFR173.403(y) applies here, which defines
{> >radioactive material as "any material having a specific activity
{> >greater than 0.002 mCi per gram." and further defines specific
{> >activity one way as: "a material in which the radionuclide is
{> >essentially uniformly distrubuted is the activity per unit mass of
{> >the material."
{My mistake, I typoed! the above should read 0.002 uCi per gram....
{and I even reread the message 3 times before I posted it! geeez.
{Anyway, that still gives 2 uci/L of water for uniformly distributed
{Thanks for all the responses, and one responder pointed out that by
{NRC regs, only those approved to distribute EXEMPT
{quantities can ship in this manner. This true?
{Once again, thanks for your time.
{Troy D. Taylor
{Health Physicist
{ISU, Technical Safety Office
{Troy D. Taylor Idaho State University
{Health Physicist Technical Safety Office
{Advice is worth what you pay for it, and is disclaimed
{in its entirety.
With respect to shipping exempt quantities, you need to seperate the
regs, DOT (49 CFR) and NRC (10 CFR) I think. You can ship because
according to DOT it's not radioactive. You may have trouble "transfering"
it due to NRC strictures about distribution of exempt quantities or
concentrations of materials. But since what you want to do is ship it
to your facility (I think) then I think it should not be a problem.
The 10 CFR 30.18 exempt quantity is 0.1 uCi so your samples are going
to probably not be exempt.
**QUESTION Does anybody out there know why Sr-90 is on the exempt
Quantity list (part 30 Schedule B) and not on the exempt concentration
list (schedule A)? It is also on Appendix A of part 20 which gives
ALI, DAC, effluent conc. etc.
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