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Re: Hormesis or what?

        Reply to:   RE>Hormesis or what?
This isn't an anonymous poll.  This is a controversial subject.

Good luck - you'll need it.

Date: 4/21/95 12:44 PM
From: radsafe@romulus.ehs.uiuc.edu
Dear Radsafers,

Kinda quiet on the board and since I am neither a university-type nor a 
government-type (8-> , I thought I'd poll the crowd by asking a question my 
students have been asking me:

Do you believe in "radiation hormesis?" What evidence convinced you either 

Thanks, in advance for your answers.

For a safer nuclear world,
J. Ellsworth Weaver

Snail Mail: 119/2/247, PO Box 56, Avila Beach, CA, USA 93424
Phone: (805) 545-3029
Fax:   (805) 545-3545

	Two young girls were exiting a "hellfire and brimstone" sermon. The 
first turned to the second and asked, "Do you believe in the Devil?"
	The other said, "Nah, it's just like Santa Claus: it's your daddy."

Mandatory Disclaimer: PG&E has enough trouble without trying to be responsible 
for my correspondence.

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Subject: Hormesis or what?
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