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    This is a response I received to my note (attached) from the Pearl
folks.  Thought you might be interested in knowing that they are somewhat


From:	USUHSB::WINS%"pearl@mind.net" 11-MAY-1995 20:35:55.65
To:	"RAD CAPT JERRY A. THOMAS" <THOMAS@usuhsb.usuhs.mil>
Subj:	Re: Your claims

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Date: Thu, 11 May 1995 17:26:18 -0700
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To: "RAD CAPT JERRY A. THOMAS" <THOMAS@usuhsb.usuhs.mil>
From: pearl@mind.net (Michael Baral)
Subject: Re: Your claims

Capt Thomas

I dislike the way you have decided to communicate, AND I can understand your
disbelief of the subject matter.  I would refer you back to Professor
Tiller's explanation on our web pages.

This product is dealing in the domain of subtle energy.  If you would like
to gain a better understanding of this subject, I would recommend you contact: 

   International Society for the Study of Subtle Energy and Energy Medicine
   Golden, CO

They have approximately 1,500 members, of which 17% are physicians, and 25%
have completed their doctorate.  Their mandate is to educate the greater
scientific community. 

Thanks  -  Michael Baral

You wrote:

>Your www site was put on the RadSafe burster.  At the request of the person
>who posted the message on your www, I took a look at what you had to say.
>	I must say that I was very unimpressed with your claims and with the
>"scientific" conclusions drawn by your studies.  I am sure that none of these
>studies will ever be published in a referred scientific journal.  The
>commercial claims you have drawn from the "scientific" work cited can not be
>	To say that the Power Clear neutralizes electromagnetic radiation
>means that you don't understand that 60Hz power is also electromagnetic
>radiation.  The other claims that it reduces stress, increases mental clarity,
>decreases fatigue, increases productivity,....etc can not be supported.
>	I challenge you to support these claims!!  No one who understands
>ionizing and non-ionizing radiation, the methods of their interaction with
>matter (including biological tissue), etc.  will give you a moment of time.
>	I have requested other scientists to take a look at your www page
>and to also give you their feedback.  If they do so, I can assure you your
>mail box will be filled with messages asking that you STOP using disinformation
>as a ploy to sell your product.  You have made many scientificly false
>claims and if your product were to cause someone injury....you will not have
>a leg to stand on in court.
>Jerry Thomas
>Certified Radiological Physicist
>Certified Health Physicist
>Certified Nuclear Scientist