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Re: newsletter
Hi Wil
Please give me another day or so. I plan to send you something re.
Radiationnnnnnn Safety etc. I will do it today or the weekend and
send it you via E-mail.
Best wishes
> Date: Mon, 8 May 95 09:32:03 -0500
> Reply-to: radsafe@romulus.ehs.uiuc.edu
> From: "wil van der putten" <wil@pong.mctrf.mb.ca>
> To: Multiple recipients of list <radsafe@romulus.ehs.uiuc.edu>
> Subject: newsletter
> Apologies for "bugging" you lot. Anybody planning to submit anything for
> the newsletter ? If it is to come out before the A.G.M. I would need
> submissions by the end of the week.
> Yours truly
> wil
> _____________________________________________________________________
> Wil van der Putten, MSc PhD FCCPM
> Acting Director, Department of Medical Physics,
> Manitoba Cancer Treatment and Research Foundation,
> 100 Olivia Street, Winnipeg, Manitoba R3P 1T4.
> Tel : (204) - 787-1256 Fax : (204) - 775-1684
> E-Mail : wil@mctrf.mb.ca
Geoffrey Dean, Ph.D. << dean@rvhmed.lan.McGill.ca >>
Physicist, Nuclear Medicine, Royal Victoria Hospital
McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Voice: 514-843-1501 Fax: 514-843-1469