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From: USUHS::WINS%"STUBBSJ@ORAU.GOV" 17-MAY-1995 11:59:08.18
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Volume 142, Number 3, June 1995
Table of Contents
Susan M. McGuinness, Mark L. Shibuya, Akiko M.
Ueno, Diane B. Vannais and Charles A. Waldren
Mutant Quantity and Quality in Mammalian Cells (AL)
Exposed to Cesium-137 Gamma Radiation: Effect of
Caffeine, which by itself did not cause a significant
increase in mutations in human-hamster hybrid cells,
approximately doubled the slope of the induction of S1-
mutants by gamma rays. Caffeine also increased the
percentage of "complex" mutations and thus altered
both the quantity and type of mutation............247
Elizabeth K. Balcer-Kubiczek, Jing Yin, Qui Lin,
George H. Harrison, John M. Abraham and Stephen J.
p53 Mutational Status and Survival of Human Breast
Cancer MCF-7 Cell Variants after Exposure to X Rays
or Fission Neutrons
Relative to cells with wild-type p53, cells harboring
mutated p53 are more resistant to X rays but not to
fission neutrons. Low- or high-LET radiations do not
induce p53 mutations....................256
G. Kelly, B. L. Stegelmeier and F. F. Hahn
p53 Alterations in Plutonium-Induced F344 Rat Lung
Aberrations in the p53 gene were investigated in 38
lung tumors from rats that had inhaled plutonium
dioxide aerosols. Two G->A transition mutations
were observed, suggesting that p53 mutations are
relatively unimportant in the development of lung
tumors induced in the rat by high-LET
R. C. Miller, C. R. Geard, S. G. Martin, S. A. Marino
and E. J. Hall
Neutron-Induced Cell Cycle-Dependent Oncogenic
Transformation of C3H 10T1/2 Cells
Neutron irradiation (intermediate LET) induces
oncogenesis in cells principally in G1 phase and to a
lesser extent in G2 phase while X rays (low LET)
induce cells that are in the G2 phase..............270
D. Bettega, P. Calzolari, A. Costa, U. Noris Chiorda
and L. Tallone
Oncogenic Transformation of C3H 10T1/2 Cells
Exposed to Alpha Particles: Sensitivity through the Cell
Oncogenic transformation of synchronized C3H
10T1/2 cells was determined after exposure to 0.3 Gy
of 4.3 MeV alpha particles. The highest frequency
occurs 4 h after mitotic collection, corresponding to
mid G1 phase, and it is a factor of about 2 higher than
the value relative to the asynchronous population and
that relative to early S phase..........276
Wayne R. Hanson, Weining Zhen, Ling Geng, Nancy
Hunter and Luka Milas
The Prostaglandin E1 Analog, Misoprostol, a Normal
Tissue Protector, Does Not Protect Four Murine
Tumors In Vivo from Radiation Injury
Differential protection of normal tissues with no tumor
protection may increase the therapeutic gain in cancer
treatment. Evidence suggests that misoprostol, a PGE1
analog, protects several normal tissues but does not
protect four tumors in murine
U. Stoll, A. Schmidt, E. Schneider and J. Kiefer
Killing and Mutation of Chinese Hamster V79 Cells
Exposed to Accelerated Oxygen and Neon Ions
Chinese hamster V79 cells were exposed to accelerated
oxygen and neon ions (energy 2-400 MeV/u, LET
18-754 keV/micrometer), and mutation induction was
assessed at the HPRT
Geoffrey R. Howe
Lung Cancer Mortality between 1950 and 1987 after
Exposure to Fractionated Moderate-Dose-Rate Ionizing
Radiation in the Canadian Fluoroscopy Cohort
Study and a Comparison with Lung Cancer Mortality in
the Atomic Bomb Survivors Study Lung cancer
mortality as a function of radiation exposure is
compared between 64,172 Canadian tuberculosis
patients and 75,725 individuals in the atomic
bomb survivors study. Despite higher doses, there is no
evidence of any radiation-related excess lung cancer in
the Canadian study, in contrast to a strong association
in the Japanese study, a difference which suggests a
substantial fractionation and/or dose-rate
Michael Andersson, Bendix Carstensen and Hans H.
Mortality and Cancer Incidence after Cerebral
Arteriography with or without Thorotrast
Neurological patients administered Thorotrast (n = 99)
or other radiographic agents (n = 1480) were
examined by register data. For patients administered
Thorotrast, mortality was increased due to cancer and
benign liver conditions, and incidence of cancer was
increased due to liver cancer and leukemia but not
other types.....305
Daniel A. Geselowitz, Mary E. McManaway, Kurt G.
Hofer and Ronald D. Neumann
The Cytotoxicity of Decays of Tritium and Iodine-125
Incorporated in DNA of Mammalian Cells. Implications
for the Low-LET Dosimetry of Incorporated Nuclides
The cytotoxicities of tritium and iodine-125 are
compared when they are incorporated into the DNA of
CHO-K1 cells, which were frozen for decay
accumulation. Implications for the mechanism of
Auger-decay cytotoxicity are
M. W. Konijnenberg, L. G. H. Dewit, B. J. Mijnheer,
C. P. J. Raaijmakers and P. R. D. Watkins
Dose Homogeneity in Boron Neutron Capture Therapy
Using an Epithermal Neutron Beam
A study was made of the therapeutic possibilities of the
HB11 epithermal neutron beam for BNCT at the High
Flux Reactor in Petten, The Netherlands,
through Monte Carlo Models with the MCNP code.
Maximum dose homogeneity in brain tumor irradiation
is obtained with two bilateral fields 12 or 15 cm in
Kristian Berg, Zivile Luksiene, Johan Moan and LiWei
Combined Treatment of Ionizing Radiation and
Photosensitization by 5-Aminolevulinic Acid-Induced
Protoporphyrin IX
Combination treatment has been performed by an initial
treatment with X rays followed by 5-aminolevulinic
acid-induced photosensitization 0-48 h later. The
combination treatment was found to be slightly
antagonistic and slightly synergistic when separated by
0-4 h and 12-48 h, respectively.....................340
Kristen J. Nikula, Bruce A. Muggenburg, I-Yiin
Chang, William C. Griffith, Fletcher F. Hahn and
Bruce B. Boecker
Biological Effects of Cesium Chloride Injected in Beagle
The toxicity of cesium chloride was investigated, and
significant effects included a dose-dependent decrease
in survival, hematological dyscrasias and damage to the
germinal epithelium of the testicular seminiferous
tubules. There was a dose-related response in both
males and females for the incidence of malignant
neoplasms (excluding mammary neoplasms)
J. F. Ward
Radiation Mutagenesis: The Initial DNA Lesions
The evidence for the involvement of radiation-induced
oxidized bases in cellular DNA as causes of radiation
mutagenesis is considered. It is concluded that such
damage is unimportant but that multiply damaged sites
characteristic of radiation damage are
A. A. Edwards
Comments on "Chromosome Aberrations Produced by
Radiation: The Relationship between Excess Acentric
Fragments and Dicentrics" by P. Hahnfeldt, L. R.
Hlatky, D. J. Brenner and R. K. Sachs (Radiat. Res.
141, 136-152, 1995) ...............................369
Short Courses: Bayesian Reliability Analysis;
Radiological Assessment--University of Tennessee,
Knoxville, August 14-18, 1995..............371
27th International Congress of the European Society for
Radiation Biology, "Le Corum," 3400 Montpellier,
France, September 2-4, 1996.....................371
Copyright 1995 by the Radiation Research Society
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