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ring badges in drawer

Ring badge in a drawer! To Carol Lentz. I suggest you carefuly survey the drawe
r. I had a strange reading on a badge the person said was in the drawer all mon
th. The survey found his Ra-226 wrist watch which he kept in the drawer had bee
n moved and spent the monitoring period next to his badge.This was confirmed wi
th a test. Look for objects that might be radioactive such as optical lens with
 Th, a watch with Ra-226 or some object like a compass. I have about 25 years o
f experience in tracking down strange Landauer readings and some of them are re
al like the badge near the watch. Some come from heat causing density changes o
n the film and these appear as high energy gamma reading. Some are badges left
on during medical exams. My solution to the problem has been to visit the area
in which the person works and survey. Let me know if you find anything.