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Re: External Dose Constants
Reply to: RE>External Dose Constants for Beta Emitters
Quick reply to Vincent Finelli.
Your "someone" has been reading too many comic books. Since the range of
tritium betas in air is less than 1 cm, I kind of doubt that the dose
equivalent rate at 1 foot from an H-3 source is going to be much greater than
zero. (All bets are off if you've got bremsstrahlung production, which you
CAN get in some bizarre sets of circumstances, but . . . that's another
Date: 5/25/95 9:20 AM
From: radsafe@romulus.ehs.uiuc.edu
Radsafenetters, I am not a HP although I subscribe to this
list. Many years ago I have studied Radiochemistry,
attended radiation safety courses and used radioisotopes
(low levels) in my research activities, but I do not recall
to have ever known the existance of tables reporting
Specific Dose Constants for beta emitters. There are
tables for Specific Gamma Ray Dose Constants in units of
(mSv/h)MBq at 1 meter from a point source, but I have not
found similar tables for beta emitters, not even for hard
beta radiation. Could any radsafenetter out there help me
to estimate the external dose-equivalent rate from an
unshielded point sources at a distance of 1 meter or 1 foot
(or whatever unit) for the following nuclides: H-3, C-14,
P-32, P-33, S-35? Thanks for your help.
P.S. Someone told me that the dose-equivalent rate for H-3
at 1 foot from the point source is 1 (mrem/h)mCi. Is this
an acceptable value?
Vincent N. Finelli, Dir.
Environmental Heath & Safety
Florida Atlantic University
Boca Raton, FL 33431
E-mail: VFinelli@acc.fau.edu
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Subject: External Dose Constants for Beta Emitters
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