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Reply to I-123 Thyroid monitoring
{Original Msg: 'I-123' from <root@romulus.ehs.uiuc.edu>
{Hi all,
{I am looking for info on performing I-123 thyoid monitoring. Does
{anyone have a recommended standard or a procedure you are willing
{to share. Thanks in advance.
{Chuck Pickering
Chuck Pickering
If you will respond to the email address that should accompany this
message I may have some info that will be helpful.
VA Medical Center, 1055 Clermont St. MS 115 - DISCLAIMER
Denver, CO 80220; 303-399-8020 x2447 FAX 393-4656 Opinions = Mine
FAX 303-393-4656, vernig.peter@forum.va.gov Opinions =/ VA or USA