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RE: CHP Name Tags

>Is any one else getting tired of scrolling through 20-30 messages per
>day, hoping to glean useful information pertinent to our profession,
>only to discover that someone has once again used this forum to purge
>their conscience by spewing useless dribble?

I guess one's person's useful information is another person's passion.  In 
this regard, I guess what we found out is that the HPS is very diverse and so 
are the interests.  Consequently this is reflected in RADSAFE user.  I 
prefer to delete messages in which I have no interest, rather than limit 
open discussion of any topic, save commercials -- both industrial and 

I guess that I find it perplexing that the required 120 or so keystrokes 
required to delete 30 messages is the cause of much hostility.  I find it 
easy to skip the messages that I would have no interest in by noting the 
subject and deleting them without opening them.  

Nolan Hertel
Health Physics Program
Georgia Tech