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Radiation Safety Week


> Radsafers,
> Many other professions have a week or month to publicize themselves.  For 
> example, there is a better speech and hearing month.  Should Health Physicists 
> have a similar promotion (OK, I know one joke would be that we would only rate 
> about 5 minutes).  Seriously folks, this could be an opportunity to have a table
> out once a year at your facility.  This has positive benefits beyond mere 
> recognition of Health Physics.
> -Alan Jackson

"Radiation Week" would enable broader participation, including supporting the
idea that radiation use has positive contributions while stressing the
importance and role of radiation safety and the health physics profession
(like the salvation of numerous police departments by programs that links them 
to positive service to the community, not only as associated with attacking
criminal activity, which was found to make people feel that any interaction
with the police was one of distrust and suspicion  :-) 

Regards, Jim