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Regarding request for CBT leads, a company called MJW Corp., Multimedia
Division has some very nice radiation safety modules that are computer
based. Excellent graphics. Contact James Wierowski at (716) 631-8291.
Also check the proceedings of the '95 HPS midyear- there were some good
presentations on advanced training technology.
Regarding wipe test procedures for sealed sources, this reference may
already have been mentioned, but just in case- ANSI N542, Sealed Radio-
active Sources, Classification, has leak test methods in appendix A.
Regarding I-125 labelled proteins, and radioiodine in general- one thing
to watch out for is di-labelled proteins. When the first I-125 decays,
the protein fragment that is left may tend to be more volatile. Also, a
previous message recommended venting the NaI vial prior to accessing with a
hamilton syringe. I would add to that that it would be good to attach a
small charcoal trap (e.g. in a syringe barrel) so that the vented gas hits
charcoal before being released. Finally, a nice reference regarding the
effect of pH on volatility of NaI is (Hamilton & Button, Journal of Immu-
noassay, 1(4), 435-448 (1980).
Regarding analogies to radiation risks- I compare ionizing radiation with
natural sources of U.V.- Both are present in nature, both have been around
since life began, both cause known but apparently harmless effects at low,
chronic exposures, and both cause known and not so harmless effects at high,
acute exposures.
Hope these items help.
John Laferriere
DuPont Merck Pharmaceuticals
N. Billerica, MA
Standard disclaimer- these are my own views and not those of my employer.