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Radioactive waste disposal information - response

  Several weeks ago someone posted a message seeking informationfrom 
  sources other than DOE on nuclear waste disposal and plans for 
  nuclear waste management programs.  I tried to post this response 
  twice but was unsuccessful.  I'll try for a third time in hopes 
  that it might be of interest to others.
  Another source besides DOE is the U.S. General Accounting Office 
  (GAO), a Congressional support agency.  The most recent report 
  "Radioactive Waste: Status of Commercial Low-Level Waste 
  Facilities" (GAO/RCED-95-67) was released June 5, 1995.  Among 
  other things, the report responds to congressional requests to 
  examine economic and environmental effects of the planned disposal 
  facilities and alternatives to the approach specified in the 
  Low-Level Radioactive Waste Policy Act of 1980, as amended.
  The full text of the report can be obtained via the internet free 
  of charge by telnet to "swais.access.gpo.gov."  Login as "gao."  
  Inquiries about accessing the electronic version should be 
  directed to the Government Printing Office's user support team at 
  (202) 512-1530.    
  Printed copies of the report, older reports on low-level waste, 
  and reports on transuranic and high-level waste can be obtained 
  by contacting GAO at (202) 512-6000 or by using fax number (301) 
  258-4066.  The first copy of each report is free.
  Daniel Semick
  Senior Evaluator
  U.S. General Accounting Office
  Energy and Science Issues
  111 Massachusetts Ave., Suite 201
  Washington, DC 20001
  Phone: (202) 512-6936
  FAX: (202) 512-6800