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I would recommend that you review the personal exposure histories of your 
Principal investiagtors.  If their protocols remain relatively constant, and 
they follow these protocols, then the potential exposure received from the use 
of P-32 should remain constant  Rarely did the PIs received exposure greater 
than 10 percent of limits in my 4 years at Naval Medical Research Institute. 
mike coogen sends

______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________
Author:  radsafe@romulus.ehs.uiuc.edu at hq2ccgw
Date:    8/15/95 12:09 PM

I am in the process of reducing the number of film and ring badges our 
office issues.  Currently we issue over 2,500/month.  A large chunk of the 
monitored individuals use P-32, and receive considerably less thatn 10% of 
their annual dose limits. 

I would appreciate any input from those institutions that do not routinely 
badge all P-32 users.  How do you decide which P-32 users receive a badge 
and which do not?  We are attempting to develope a mCi*hr yearly threshold, 
above which users must have film and ring badges.  It is not working out as 
"cleanly" as we had hoped.


Jeanne McGuire
e-mail jmcguire@magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu