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Subject: Resume

						242 NW 10th, # 6
Radiation Safety 				Corvallis, OR 97330
University of Michigan				Telephone:  (503) 757-0089
						August 29, 1995

To whom it may concern:

I am writing to express my interest in employment at your Office as a 
radiation safety health physicist .  I hold M.S. degree in Nuclear Engineering 
from Oregon State University.  Part of my M.S. thesis/research work was to 
demonstrate the criticality status of an advanced thermionic fuel for space 
reactors via the depletion of a highly enriched ZrH moderated reactor core. 
Because no standard computer codes were readily available which could 
accurately perform the depletion analysis for this type of core, accurate 
results were obtained by my modification of the MCNP Monte Carlo Neutron 
Photon transport code to include burnup and isotope variations with time.  
This new code, called MCNPBURN, allows detailed three dimensional burnup 
calculations to be performed on nuclear reactor cores in addition to those 
which have non-standard reactor energy spectra. 

Course work includes advanced thermal and fast neutron spectra theory with 
numerical analysis and nuclear computer code applications.  Also, I have taken 
courses in health physics, neutron transport and reactor design theory.
Also, I have over one year of commercial nuclear power plant experience in 
radiation protection and as an engineering aid.  The experience that I gained 
during these work experiences in reactor operation was extremely valuable 
and greatly contributed to my skills in health physics.

With my knowledge and skills in the health physics area, I am sure that I 
could make a valuable contribution to your Office.

I have the USA citizenship.  Furthermore, location preferences are open and 
there are no restrictions.  You may contact me by correspondence or 
telephone at the above address or phone number.  I look forward to hearing 
from you in the near future on the possibility of arranging an interview.


Shahab Abdul-hamid
Enc: Resume.


			242 NW 10th, Apt. 6
			Corvallis, Oregon 97330

OBJECTIVE:		Health Physicist position

1989-1993		Master of Science in Nuclear Engineering
			Oregon State University,  Corvallis, Oregon
			Graduation Date:  September 1993
			Thesis Title:  Monte Carlo Burnup Analysis Code 
			Development and Application to an Incore Thermionic 
			Space Nuclear Power System.

1981-1986		B.S  in Science and A.S in Nuclear Engineering 
			Technology Pennsylvania State University, State 
			College, Pennsylvania
			Graduation Date:  December 1986

Nov. 94 to present  	RF tester and engineering aid. Celwave, Corvallis, 
			¡ Amplifiers radio frequency testing and complience.

Feb. 93 to Oct. 94  	Electronics assembler. Celwave, Corvallis, Oregon
			(Contracting firm: McLELLAN Temporaries, Corvallis, 
			Build and assemble amplifier electronic circuits.

Sep. 92 to Dec. 92	Graduate research assistant. Oregon State University, 
			Corvallis, Oregon
			Assisted in the experimental research of  Fabric
			Composite Heat Pipe Technology development

Sep. 91 to Aug. 92	Graduate research assistant. Oregon State University, 
Corvallis, Oregon
			¡ Modified Monte Carlo Neutron and Photon (MCNP) code
			to perform burnup analysis and application study of 
			a space reactor

Sep. 90 to Nov. 90	Radiation protection. South Texas Project, Palacios, 
			(Contracting firm: CE-PSESI, Inc., Windsor, Connecticut)
			 Radiation protection surveillance and inspection
			¡ Assisted in various job coverage 

Jun. 90 to Sep. 90	Electronics assembler. Janel Laboratory, Corvallis, 
			(Contracting firm: McLELLAN Temporaries, Corvallis, 
			¡ Build and assemble amplifier electronic circuits.

Jan. 89 to Jun. 89	Radiation protection. Perry Nuclear Power Plant, 
			Perry, Ohio      
			(Contracting firm: Bartlett Nuclear, Inc., Plymouth, 
			Radiation protection surveillance and inspection
			Assisted in various job coverage (RHR, Reactor Head 
			and MSIV) Operation and source check calibration of 
			the whole body 
			counters type ND 9900 and the proto count respirator 
			fit test

Oct. 88 to Dec. 88	Radiation protection. Diablo Canyon Power Plant, Avila 
			Beach, California 
			(Contracting firm: Bartlett Nuclear, Inc., Plymouth, 
			Radiation protection surveillance and inspection
			Assisted in various job coverage
			Collected gaseous and particulate containment 
			atmospheric sample
			Operated irradiators in the calibration facility
Sep. 88 to Oct. 88	Radiation protection. Salem Nuclear Power Plant, 
			Salem, New Jersey
			(Contracting firm: H.P. Technical Service, Columbia, 
			¡ Radiation protection surveillance and inspection
			¡ Assisted in various job coverage
			¡ Instrument Calibration

Oct. 87 to Nov. 87	Engineering aid. J.M. Farley Power Plant, Dothan, 
			Alabaman (Contracting firm: CE-PSESI, Inc., Windsor, Massachusetts)
			Worked on replacement of standard twin connectors of 
			the core  exit thermocouple with the class IE 
			qualified  type. 
Sep. 87 to Oct. 87	Engineering aid. North Anna Power Plant, Mineral, 
			Virginia (Contracting firm: CE-PSESI, Inc., Windsor, 
			 Worked on replacement of standard twin connectors of 
			the core  exit thermocouple with the class 
			IE qualified type. 

TRAINING & Hands-on experience in the Nuclear Training Programs 
			included reactor SKILLS	 operation using TRIGA Mark III research 
			¡ Training conducted by the Combustion Engineering,
			 Inc. on thermocouples technologies.
			¡ INPO certification CAT I & CAT I Programming in 
			FORTRAN77 and BASIC computer languages.
			¡ Extensive use and application of nuclear codes (i.e. MCNP, 
			WIMS,  LEOPARD, etc..).
			 Personal computer software application utilization 
			includes Word Perfect, Quattro spread sheet, etc..

PUBLICATIONS 		Advanced Single Cell Thermionic Converter
 			analysis, Co-author, final report to the 
			Wright-Patterson Lab., OSU-NE-9309, 
			September 1993.
			Advanced Single Cell Thermionic Reactor System Design
			 Studies,Co-author, final report to the Wright-
			Patterson Lab., OSU-NE-9209,September 1993.
REFERENCES	Available upon request.