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Re: pos. TLD reports

     Things to consider:
     1. What did the transit badges read? In other words, were the badges 
     exposed higher than previous quarterly controls.
     2. When you say there were positive results, what levels are you 
     talking about? For example, if the minimum reportable exposure is 10 
     mrem, and your badges received 11 - 15 mrem, it just might be false 
     positives due to the processing, the quality control factors used by 
     the vendor, whether or not they normalize their readings based on 
     in-line quality control badges, proper fade or other environmental 
     conditions taken into account and last but not least, any ECF 
     corrections. Finger rings that use LiBO are notorious for ECF changes 
     due to environmental conditions.
     So, just some questions you might want to pursue.
     Sandy Perle
     Supervisor Health Physics

______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________
Subject: pos. TLD reports
Author:  radsafe@romulus.ehs.uiuc.edu at Internet-Mail
Date:    8/30/95 1:55 PM

We monitor quarterly and havereceived positive ring badge reports for the perio
d 4/1/95 to 6/30/95. We use a commercial firm. Has any other organization exper
ienced unusual badge reading for this period. Many of the reports we received w
ere for badges not needed and thus not worn during this period.
  You can respond to me directly at milwicz@princeton.edu   Thanks for the inpu
t I left off the name of the commercial badge service but ask that you supply m
e with your vendors name. It will be interesting to see if there are any matche
s out there.