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I am pleased to see this subject being discussed, and, a Manual being
developed for operational use. Having had the pleasure to study SQC
(Statistical Quality Control) from the JUSE (Japanese Union of
Scientists and Engineers) during FPL's attainment of the Deming Award,
I am a staunch believer in making decisions based on data. The key to
all of this, statistical analysis or not, is that the data used in the
decision making process MUST be good data, and well as valid data.
Again, the statistics is only as good as the data being evaluated.
I have seen too many facilities take data and totally misuse the
statistics and arrive at the wrong conclusions. Statistics is OK, but
when the logic tells you that something is wrong, you better go back
and look at the data.
I look forward to seeing more information on this Manual or
information as it progresses.
Sandy Perle
Supervisor Health Physics
Florida Power and Light Company
Nuclear Division
(407) 694-4219 Office
(407) 694-3706 Fax