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Shoes and Stats
>Some radsafers might remember the fluoroscopy machines which
>appeared for a while in the children's department of shoe stores,
>Does anyone have a health physics reference to them?
>Jocelyn Towson
1. NCRP 95 Rad. Exp. U.S. Pop. from Consumer Products and Misc
2. National Safety News Sept 1950 p33 "Shoe fitting with x-ray"
3. British Medical Journal Dec. 7, 1957 p 1344 "Radiation Damage
Caused by Shoe fitting Fluoroscope"
4. British Med Journal Aug 4, 1956 "Shoe fitting x-ray fluoroscopes"
5. Am. Ind. Hygiene Quarterly 9(4) p 89 1948 " X-ray Shoe fitting
6. New Eng. J. Med. 241(9) Sept 1 1949 "Rad Exp. from the use of shoe
fitting Fluoroscopes"
As Jim Barnes mentioned, we have one on display here, a beautiful
Adrian unit made of birch, ca early 1930s. Drop by and see it if you
are in the neighborhood.
What might very well be the key document dealing with
sampling/measurement statistics referenced in the upcoming(?) MARSSIM
report is likely to be NUREG 1505 which is now in draft form:
"A Nonparametric Statistical Methodology for the Design and Analysis
of Final Status Decommissioning Surveys" by Gogolak, Huffert and
Powers. Aug. 1995
Best wishes
Paul Frame
Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education
Professional Training Programs