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Govt Furloughs and Budget Hassles

I have to concur with the sentiment that discussion aimed at Federal
programs and not Federal employees is appropriate to this forum. However, as
a recently former Federal employee and currently employed in a Federally
funded program, I would like to point out that those of us affected by this
budget impass are placed in a position of having to trust a few politicians'
promises that we won't lose money in this dispute - think about the concept
of trusting a Senator or Congressperson with your ability to pay the
mortgage or buy food!

The continuing resolution issue is not uniformly applied to all agencies. A
resolution permitting continued funding of DOE operations has been passed
and signed by the President. How this will be affected by the debt ceiling
is not known at this time. DOE contractor employees may very well end up at
home without pay before it's over. And I haven't heard anyone, even a
politician, promise that contractor employees will get back pay. Lots of
people stand to get hurt by this - none of us will know until it's over with.

By the way, I have seen much press aimed at portraying this budget crisis as
a simple contest of wills between a President and few oposition party types
who want to be President, each of them just out to make the other look bad
(how difficult is that?). Perhaps I am missing the point, but it appears to
me that this also includes a peripheral issue involving the largest change
in budget/spending/funding direction & policy since WWII. Maybe it deserves
some attention, whichever side you choose in these festivities.

Bob Flood
Unless otherwise noted, all opinions are mine alone.
(415) 926-3793