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I'm facing with difficult problems related with radiactive waste 
disposal of non-radioactive departments, that is from interned patients 
who got some kind of radioisope mapping in the nuclear medicine 
department, and come back to their ward ( that is not considered a 
radioactive area).
My point is that I don't intend to transform all the medical center in a 
big radioactive installation. 
I would like very much to get information from the radsafers on how they 
deal with these problems:
1- Is there a law regulating the radiactive waste from these patients?
2- Is it permitted to drop all their rejects into the normal waste?

Thanking you in advance


 Sergio Faermann Ph.D.                      Tel: 972 - 7 - 400682
 Chief Medical Physicist                    Fax: 972 - 7 - 232336      
 Institute of Oncology                      E-mail: sergio@bgumail.bgu.ac.il
 Soroka Medical Center
 P.O.B 151 Beer-Sheva 84101