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Incineration of Radwaste

Radsafers - After about 12 years of negotiations, haggling, etc. we have
finally received approval to construct a facility to collect, process, store,
and dispose of both radwaste and chemical waste.  We call this the
"Environmental Management Facility"  or EMF (the powers that be didn't
want the word "waste" in the facility description).  As a part of this
facility, the purchase of an incinerator for burning radwaste has also
been approved.

The local air pollution control board (APCB) is responsible for reviewing
the use of the incinerator to assure compliance with EPA regulations. 
We have evaluated the releases using EPA's Comply program and our
estimated annual releases appear to be well within the EPA's 10 mrem/yr
limit (does anyone else think that's a ridiculous limit?! - sorry, I digressed).
 The APCB was apparently satisfied with the information we submitted
(a public notice was issued in the local newspaper) and has issued a
construction permit for the incinerator.

We have also submitted an amendment request to the NRC for this
incinerator and according to the license reviewer, issuance of the
license amendment should be forthcoming.  Now for my question - are
there any other hoops that you radsafers know of that we need to jump
through?  Obviously, if we purchase and install this incinerator and some
regulatory or other blockade occurs right before we strike the match, I
will be polishing up my resume!!

Any input would be appreciated.  Furthermore, I would be happy to
share my experiences regarding this project for those interested in
pursuing incineration of radwaste.

Thanx in advance,
Mack R. (mrichard@wpo.iupui.edu)