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Re: Low dose radiation, or ...
The reference you want is Health Physics, May, 1987 Vol. 52 #5 pp
519-678, The Conference on Radiation Hormesis in Oakland CA. The whole
issue is the papers presented at that Conference. Additional reading on
hormesis is the two books by Dr. Luckey published by the CRC Press, 2000
N.W. 24th St. Boca Raton FL 33431: Hormesis With Ionizing Radiation,
1980 and Radiation Hormesis, 1991. There are 1269 references in the 1980
book and 1018 in the 1991 book. That's a total of 2287. Seems like a lot
of data even if some of the referenced experiments aren't reproducable.
It would sure be nice if someone would look at all those references and
read them to see what verification research is needed now. No, I'm not
going to do it, at least until I retire. But, it would be a good
graduate thesis, no? Al. Tschaeche.
*** Reply to note of 12/05/95 07:44
From: Colette Tremblay
Subject: Re: Low dose radiation, or ...
>I even got a copy of
>the "Health Physics" issue devoted to radiation hormesis in
>humans. I would suggest that those who are saying small
>amounts of radiation are *probably* good should read those
Please give the reference? I am interested in reading them.
>Radiation hormesis is proven for simple systems like plants,
Apart from Radiation safety, I work part time in plant molecular biology,
and I can tell you that plants are NOT a simple system: in fact some plant
species have HUGE genomes that constitute a big target and therefore should
be more susceptible to radiation damage. Now I think that relatively little
is known about DNA repair and apoptosis in plants (relative to mammals) and
the capacity for repairing radiation-induced damage can be very different
between plants and humans.
Colette Tremblay
Recherches en sciences de la vie et de la sant=E9
Pavillon Charles-Eug=E8ne-Marchand
Universit=E9 Laval Qu=E9bec QC
Canada G1K 7P4
T=E9l: (418)656-2893
=46ax: (418) 656-7176
Internet: coltremb@rsvs.ulaval.ca