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Low Energy Photon Spectroscopy
We're looking into acquiring a planar intrinsic germanium
detector for low energy (<40 keV) photon spectroscopy
(LEPS) ... probably a minimum of 1,800 mm^2 active area so
that we can look at 47mm air filters and smears. We've
received varying opinions (including a vendor's) on the need
for a detector shield.
I would be interested in hearing from anyone engaged in this,
or a similar activity (on the shield issue or any other caveats)
before jumping headlong into this business. We've got
considerable experience in gamma spectroscopy, we're
developing considerable alpha spectroscopy experience ...
but this is an entirely new field to us.
Jim Hardeman, Manager
Environmental Radiation Program
Environmental Protection Division
Georgia Department of Natural Resources
4244 International Parkway, Suite 114
Atlanta, GA 30354
(404) 362-2675 fax: (404) 362-2653