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Re: Ionizing radiation

        Reply to:   RE>Ionizing radiation
No hard and fast rules about where UV cuts off.

IHs use photoionization detectors that use 10.2 or 11.7 eV UV photons.  It's UV
and it's used to ionize vapors.

I recall reading the lower cutoff for UV was 4 nm (in Sliney and Wolbarsht as I
recall), but people are nowadays taking 100 nm as the lower cutoff for UV.

The same sort of fuzz exists in the far IR/millimetric microwave region of the

Date: 12/7/95 2:16 PM
From: radsafe@romulus.ehs.uiuc.edu
cc: AHGOOD  --BCSC02   Alan Good

What is it? 91nm wavelength photon frees a hydrogen atom inner electron 13.58
eV. I couldn't find a book that would give me the binding energy of an atom
with more than one electron. Ultraviolet is defined in some books as 400 to
100nm and in some as from 400 to 1nm. So is ultraviolet ionizing radiation
for some atoms and for certain wavelengths? Are there some hard and fast rules
out there?

Radiation Protection, Ministry of Health, British Columbia
The opinions and material above are solely those of the author.
This is a disclaimer for postings to bulletin boards, newsgroups
etc., on the internet.  Randy Ross, rnross@bcsc02.gov.bc.ca

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Subject: Ionizing radiation
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