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Health Physics Consultant

Dear Radsafers,

I am interested in hiring a consultant to conduct a complete audit of our 
Radiation Safety Program.  Our program is research-based and includes 250 
radionuclide laboratories, a veterinary nuclear medicine department, a 10 KW 
research reactor, a 10 MeV linear accelerator, and 40 analytic and 
diagnostic x-ray devices.

If you have hired any consultants to do this type of work in the past and 
were satisfied with their product, I would appreciate hearing from you.  I 
am looking for a consultant with sound credentials and a good reputation. 
 Please respond to me directly.

Ken Kerns, Radiation Safety Officer
Iowa State University
Environmental Health and Safety
118 Agronomy Laboratory
Ames, Iowa  50011

515-294-0746  (office)
515-294-9357 (fax)
email: kckerns@iastate.edu