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Computer Database

I was wondering if anyone else has heard of the HP database program, PCES
(Performance Criteria and Evaluation System).  I have heard it was a product
of Savannah River Laboratory, but I cannot get anyone there to respond to my
e-mail inquiry.  It is quite a nice program for getting topical information
on HP issues, and cites references from DOE, NUREGs, EPA, ANSI, PNL, etc..

I currently have version 2.0, but I want to find if there have been
improvements/upgrades.  If you know, please respond to me personally.
Please, no requests at the moment for a copy of what I have.  I'm not sure
where I got it, and I don't know what distribution restrictions it has.  In
fact, if it turns out to be proprietary, I may have to destroy my own copy.

Scott O. Schwahn, CHP
Operational Health Physicist
Continuous Electron Beam Accelerator Facility
(804)249-7551 (w)
(804)249-7363 (fax)