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Re: Working level monitors

     The one outfit I know of that might rent you working level monitors is 
     Scintrex.  They have an agent in Texas who rented out the EDA/Scinterx 
     WLM-30 Working level monitor.  The company's number in Canada is 
     905-669-2280, and speak to Andre Marszalkowski.  
     Riasp Medora

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Subject: Working level monitors
Author:  radsafe@romulus.ehs.uiuc.edu_at_INTERNET at X400PO
Date:    2/23/96 1:31 PM

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Does anyone know of anyone who rents calibrated working level monitors?

Please reply to joel_antkowiak@pobox.tbe.com or call me at 201-664-7070x229.
