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Re: Personal Dosimetry for Environmental Operations
Most commercial dosimetry badges will be able to measure natural
background, and in turn, identify exposures above these values. Your
valid requirement as stated, is to measure between 0.1 and 1 mrem. The
important factor then in over what time are you going to have to
measure the background to see these values. I would expect that with
the background levels that exist in your areas, you're talking about a
short period of time, on the order of days. In my area, our Panasonic
TLDs measure between 10 and 13 mrem for a 34 day period. Our
background readings are obviously lower than the Rocky Mountain area.
Therefore, determine the time period and then chose a dosimeter. I
have also used Harshaw TLDs and they adequately measure natural
background as well.. I'll let the film badge and other processors
address other dosimeters.
Sandy Perle
Supervisor Health Physics
Florida Power and Light Company
Nuclear Division
(407) 694-4219 Office
(407) 694-3706 Fax
HomePage: http://www.lookup.com/homepages/54398/home.html
______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________
Subject: Personal Dosimetry for Environmental Operations
Author: radsafe@romulus.ehs.uiuc.edu at Internet-Mail
Date: 2/28/96 4:23 PM
I am trying to obtain information on personal dosimetry that can accurately
track exposures in the environmental background range. The minimum reportable
doses for the dosimetry I am currently using are: 20 mrem neutron, 10 mrem
x-ray and gamma, and 40 mrem energetic beta. Desired reportable doses would be
in the range of 0.1 to 1 mrem. If anyone has information regarding vendors,
suppliers, or just a general clue please contact me.
Mark B. Mattheiss
Health Physicist
Dames & Moore, Inc.
Denver, Colorado
Phone 303-299-7911