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Re: Transportation


I do NOT believe that survey instruments containing radioactive material are a 
"consumer commodity."  Thus, whether or not the source is "licensed", if it 
meets the DOT definition of radioactive material (> 2 nCi/g), it must be 
considered hazardous material, and must meet DOT and/or IATA requirements.  
Such instruments generally can be shipped as a "radioactive instrument and 
article".  It is NOT legal to carry such devices in your baggage without 
airline approval (see the notices prominently posted at most check in 
counters), and, in fact, baggage is often surveyed, so you are risking a 
criminal penalty if you do this.  You may be able to ship this with your 
flight as checked baggage, if you inform the airline and fill out an airbill 
properly describing the material, and with the required notice. 
Instruments with liquid propane cylinders are NOT allowed on passenger 
aircraft.  Where I used to work, we adapted our instruments so that they could 
use commerical lp cylinders.  This also requires recalibration, since the 
purity is different. 
Bill Lipton 

X-Orcl-Content-Type: message/rfc822

Received: 29 Feb 1996 09:17:25                    Sent: 29 Feb 1996 08:16:03
From:"root@romulus.ehs.uiuc.edu" <root@romulus.ehs.uiuc.edu>
To: Multiple,recipients,of,list,radsafe@romulus.ehs.uiuc.edu
Subject: Transportation
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In a similar note to smoke detectors and also close to home,  how many 
people consider the transportation of survey instruments that contain 
internal check sources?  Examples are sending instruments to 
calibration/repair firms, throwing an instrument in the car, or carrying in 
your baggage on the plane.

Mark L. Mays
WPAFB Radiation Safety Officer
88 ABW/EMB     Bldg 30089
5490 Pearson Rd
Wright-Patterson AFB, OH 45433-5332

Voice:  (513) 257-2010  DSN 787-2010
Fax:      (513)476-1534   DSN 986-1534
email:  maysm@wrigem.wpafb.af.mil
