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Re: IATA Regs


The "Dangerous Goods Regulations" of the International Air Transport 
Association (IATA) are available from the IATA at 2000 Peel St., Montreal, 
Quebec, CANADA H3A 2R4. phone 514-844-6311, ext. 3316 or 3317.    They are 
reissued every year and are good for a calendar year (Jan - Dec).  The 1996 
edition costs $81.00 (U.S.).  Phone orders are accepted with a credit card.  
These regulations include all requirements of the ICAO Technical Instructions. 
Most express delivery services, eg., Fedex, Emery, require compliance with the 
IATA regs.  You should call the carrier for instructions.  I have found the 
Emery "Dangerous Goods Desk" to be particularly helpful.  Note that some of 
the A1, A2 values are different.  If you send a nonexempt shipment, a 
"Shipper's Declaration" is required.  They are particularly fussy about this, 
eg, only authorized abbreviations, full signature at any crossouts.  I suggest 
faxing them a copy of your planned Declaration before shipment, since they 
will reject the shipment if it's not perfect.  e-mail me if you have any 
additional questions on this. 
Bill Lipton 

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Received: 29 Feb 1996 14:16:19                    Sent: 29 Feb 1996 13:14:29
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Subject: IATA Regs
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  Could someone please provide the address where I can order a copy of the
  latest IATA regs?  Please respond by email, unless you think others would
  like this info too...thanks.

